
Our client, a well-established warehousing company in Chicago, Illinois, found itself in the heart of a fiercely competitive logistics hub. With numerous logistics players vying for attention, the need to establish a robust digital presence was critical for attracting local clients. Despite its strategic location and reputation for excellence, the client faced challenges in effectively reaching potential clients through traditional marketing channels.


The client's struggle lay in the inconsistency of lead flow and the burden of high customer acquisition costs. Their existing marketing efforts, including print advertisements and trade shows, were not yielding the desired results. This raised concerns about their ability to maintain their market leadership and sustain growth in a highly competitive landscape.


Leveraging our specialized LogAds® approach tailored for the Logistics & Transportation industry, we implemented a targeted Google Ads strategy. By focusing on long-tail keywords specific to warehousing services in the Chicago area, LogAds® optimized ad copy and landing pages to resonate with local businesses' needs. Our approach aimed to enhance relevance and user engagement, ensuring that the client's brand stood out in the crowded logistics market.


  • Leads Transformed into Clients: Closed 6 new clients within the Chicago metropolitan area through Google Ads.
  • Cost per Booked Appointment: Reduced by an impressive 21%, making the client's budget more efficient.
  • Form Submissions: Increased by 58% due to highly relevant ad targeting.
  • Booked Appointments: Rose by 36%, leading to more potential deals in the pipeline.


New Clients in 8 Months


Decrease in Cost Per Lead


Increase in Form Submissions


Increase in Booked Appointments


Our client, a well-established warehousing company in Chicago, Illinois, found itself in the heart of a fiercely competitive logistics hub. With numerous logistics players vying for attention, the need to establish a robust digital presence was critical for attracting local clients. Despite its strategic location and reputation for excellence, the client faced challenges in effectively reaching potential clients through traditional marketing channels.


The client's struggle lay in the inconsistency of lead flow and the burden of high customer acquisition costs. Their existing marketing efforts, including print advertisements and trade shows, were not yielding the desired results. This raised concerns about their ability to maintain their market leadership and sustain growth in a highly competitive landscape.


Leveraging our specialized LogAds® approach tailored for the Logistics & Transportation industry, we implemented a targeted Google Ads strategy. By focusing on long-tail keywords specific to warehousing services in the Chicago area, LogAds® optimized ad copy and landing pages to resonate with local businesses' needs. Our approach aimed to enhance relevance and user engagement, ensuring that the client's brand stood out in the crowded logistics market.


  • Leads Transformed into Clients: Closed 6 new clients within the Chicago metropolitan area through Google Ads.
  • Cost per Booked Appointment: Reduced by an impressive 21%, making the client's budget more efficient.
  • Form Submissions: Increased by 58% due to highly relevant ad targeting.
  • Booked Appointments: Rose by 36%, leading to more potential deals in the pipeline.


Our specialized LogAds® approach, combined with our status as a Google Premier Partner Agency, not only increased clients but also optimized costs and improved form submissions, ensuring sustainable growth for our warehousing clients in Chicago.


New Clients in 8 Months


Decrease in Cost Per Lead


Increase in Form Submissions


Increase in Booked Appointments


Our client, a well-established warehousing company in Chicago, Illinois, found itself in the heart of a fiercely competitive logistics hub. With numerous logistics players vying for attention, the need to establish a robust digital presence was critical for attracting local clients. Despite its strategic location and reputation for excellence, the client faced challenges in effectively reaching potential clients through traditional marketing channels.

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