
A National 3PL based in San Diego, California, reached out to our company for help with their inbound marketing efforts. The Director of Sales wanted to diversify their marketing efforts in hopes of further growing their e-commerce fulfillment division. They had already been working on outbound sales initiatives like cold outreach but their sales team was having trouble pinpointing their ideal client. Prior to working with our company, they had not seriously explored the benefits of being visible online.


The client's sales team was having trouble pinpointing their ideal client and they needed to diversify their inbound marketing efforts to grow their e-commerce fulfillment division. They wanted to be visible online and generate more leads for their business.


We proposed our battle-tested "LogSEO® Campaign" which was an SEO campaign that would place the client in front of hundreds of businesses searching for a fulfillment partner online. We informed the client that inbound strategies like SEO can generate a higher ROI and higher close rate because these would be companies reaching out to work with them. We helped the client to create and implement a comprehensive SEO strategy that included keyword research, on-page optimization, and link building.


The results of the campaign were impressive. The client's inbound leads grew by 700%, their site traffic increased by 620%, and they signed 4 new clients in the first 3 months. They also received 60 qualified inbound leads in the first 3 months of working with us. The client was pleased with the results and was able to grow their e-commerce fulfillment division significantly. They also appreciated the fact that the leads generated were of high quality and were more likely to convert into paying customers.


Increase in Inbound Leads


Increase in Website Traffic


Inbound Leads in 3 months


New Clients in 4 months


A National 3PL based in San Diego, California, reached out to our company for help with their inbound marketing efforts. The Director of Sales wanted to diversify their marketing efforts in hopes of further growing their e-commerce fulfillment division. They had already been working on outbound sales initiatives like cold outreach but their sales team was having trouble pinpointing their ideal client. Prior to working with our company, they had not seriously explored the benefits of being visible online.


The client's sales team was having trouble pinpointing their ideal client and they needed to diversify their inbound marketing efforts to grow their e-commerce fulfillment division. They wanted to be visible online and generate more leads for their business.


We proposed our battle-tested "LogSEO® Campaign" which was an SEO campaign that would place the client in front of hundreds of businesses searching for a fulfillment partner online. We informed the client that inbound strategies like SEO can generate a higher ROI and higher close rate because these would be companies reaching out to work with them. We helped the client to create and implement a comprehensive SEO strategy that included keyword research, on-page optimization, and link building.


The results of the campaign were impressive. The client's inbound leads grew by 700%, their site traffic increased by 620%, and they signed 4 new clients in the first 3 months. They also received 60 qualified inbound leads in the first 3 months of working with us. The client was pleased with the results and was able to grow their e-commerce fulfillment division significantly. They also appreciated the fact that the leads generated were of high quality and were more likely to convert into paying customers.



Increase in Inbound Leads


Increase in Website Traffic


Inbound Leads in 3 months


New Clients in 4 months


A National 3PL based in San Diego, California, reached out to our company for help with their inbound marketing efforts. The Director of Sales wanted to diversify their marketing efforts in hopes of further growing their e-commerce fulfillment division. They had already been working on outbound sales initiatives like cold outreach but their sales team was having trouble pinpointing their ideal client. Prior to working with our company, they had not seriously explored the benefits of being visible online.

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