
Our client, a leading third-party logistics provider, operated from its base in Dallas, Texas. While strategically positioned in the heart of the bustling logistics sector of the southern United States, particularly in the Dallas-Fort Worth region, the client faced a unique challenge. Despite being well-established, their lead generation efforts had plateaued, and converting potential clients into active customers had become increasingly challenging.


The client's challenge lay in finding efficient ways to attract new clients and convert leads into customers. The existing lead generation strategies were not delivering the desired results, and the client needed a fresh approach to maintain and expand its influence in the competitive Texas logistics market.


Drawing on our agency's specialized LogAds® approach crafted for the Logistics & Transportation industry, we initiated a targeted Google Ads campaign. Employing regional keywords specific to Dallas and the broader Texas logistics market, our LogAds® strategy, coupled with our status as a Google Premier Partner Agency, incorporated ad extensions that emphasized the client's local expertise. The goal was to boost conversions by providing potential clients with the information and assurance they needed.


  • Leads Transformed into Clients: Increased by 44%, bolstering the company's presence in the Texas logistics market through Google Ads.
  • Cost per Booked Appointment: Reduced by 27%, optimizing the client's ad spend.
  • Form Submissions: Saw a remarkable 72% increase, reflecting highly relevant ad targeting.
  • Booked Appointments: Grew by 51%, indicating a higher conversion rate.


Increase in Qualified Leads


Decrease in Cost Per Lead


Increase in Form Submissions


Increase in Booked Appointments


Our client, a leading third-party logistics provider, operated from its base in Dallas, Texas. While strategically positioned in the heart of the bustling logistics sector of the southern United States, particularly in the Dallas-Fort Worth region, the client faced a unique challenge. Despite being well-established, their lead generation efforts had plateaued, and converting potential clients into active customers had become increasingly challenging.


The client's challenge lay in finding efficient ways to attract new clients and convert leads into customers. The existing lead generation strategies were not delivering the desired results, and the client needed a fresh approach to maintain and expand its influence in the competitive Texas logistics market.


Drawing on our agency's specialized LogAds® approach crafted for the Logistics & Transportation industry, we initiated a targeted Google Ads campaign. Employing regional keywords specific to Dallas and the broader Texas logistics market, our LogAds® strategy, coupled with our status as a Google Premier Partner Agency, incorporated ad extensions that emphasized the client's local expertise. The goal was to boost conversions by providing potential clients with the information and assurance they needed.


  • Leads Transformed into Clients: Increased by 44%, bolstering the company's presence in the Texas logistics market through Google Ads.
  • Cost per Booked Appointment: Reduced by 27%, optimizing the client's ad spend.
  • Form Submissions: Saw a remarkable 72% increase, reflecting highly relevant ad targeting.
  • Booked Appointments: Grew by 51%, indicating a higher conversion rate.


Our specialized LogAds® approach, backed by industry-specific knowledge and our status as a Google Premier Partner Agency, not only elevated client acquisitions but also significantly improved form submissions for our third-party logistics partner in Dallas, Texas.


Increase in Qualified Leads


Decrease in Cost Per Lead


Increase in Form Submissions


Increase in Booked Appointments


Our client, a leading third-party logistics provider, operated from its base in Dallas, Texas. While strategically positioned in the heart of the bustling logistics sector of the southern United States, particularly in the Dallas-Fort Worth region, the client faced a unique challenge. Despite being well-established, their lead generation efforts had plateaued, and converting potential clients into active customers had become increasingly challenging.

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