
A Warehousing Giant in Portland, Oregon reached out to our company for help with their digital presence. Their CEO was having trouble filling their warehousing space as it can be very competitive. With thousands of warehousing companies across Oregon competing for the same clients, their outbound strategies simply were not working. They were interested in improving their digital presence to capture the massive flow of inbound demand and Google searches for "Warehousing Oregon" and "Warehousing Portland".


The client was having trouble filling their warehousing space due to the high competition in the industry. Their outbound strategies were not working and they needed to improve their digital presence to capture more inbound leads.


We proposed our LogSEO® campaign, which was the perfect fit for their needs. We determined a comprehensive keyword strategy that captured all of the warehousing-related searches being made by medium-to-large businesses looking for warehousing space. This client also offered cold storage so a part of our keyword strategy for them included cold/freezer storage-themed words. Our LogSEO campaigns aimed at placing their website in front of the right online demographic, filling their space in just a few months.


The results of the campaign were impressive. We generated a 540% increase in website traffic for the client. In addition, they received 92 qualified inbound calls inquiring for their space. We also were able to place them on Page 1 for 18 keywords aka Google searches relating to "Warehousing Oregon" and "Cold Storage." With this newfound confidence in digital, they are expanding rapidly and have initiated LogSEO® campaigns with their subsidiaries. The client was extremely pleased with the results and was able to fill their warehousing space in a short period of time.


Increase in Website Traffic


Inbound Leads in 4 months


Keyword Rankings on Page 1




A Warehousing Giant in Portland, Oregon reached out to our company for help with their digital presence. Their CEO was having trouble filling their warehousing space as it can be very competitive. With thousands of warehousing companies across Oregon competing for the same clients, their outbound strategies simply were not working. They were interested in improving their digital presence to capture the massive flow of inbound demand and Google searches for "Warehousing Oregon" and "Warehousing Portland".


The client was having trouble filling their warehousing space due to the high competition in the industry. Their outbound strategies were not working and they needed to improve their digital presence to capture more inbound leads.


We proposed our LogSEO® campaign, which was the perfect fit for their needs. We determined a comprehensive keyword strategy that captured all of the warehousing-related searches being made by medium-to-large businesses looking for warehousing space. This client also offered cold storage so a part of our keyword strategy for them included cold/freezer storage-themed words. Our LogSEO campaigns aimed at placing their website in front of the right online demographic, filling their space in just a few months.


The results of the campaign were impressive. We generated a 540% increase in website traffic for the client. In addition, they received 92 qualified inbound calls inquiring for their space. We also were able to place them on Page 1 for 18 keywords aka Google searches relating to "Warehousing Oregon" and "Cold Storage." With this newfound confidence in digital, they are expanding rapidly and have initiated LogSEO® campaigns with their subsidiaries. The client was extremely pleased with the results and was able to fill their warehousing space in a short period of time.



Increase in Website Traffic


Inbound Leads in 4 months


Keyword Rankings on Page 1




A Warehousing Giant in Portland, Oregon reached out to our company for help with their digital presence. Their CEO was having trouble filling their warehousing space as it can be very competitive. With thousands of warehousing companies across Oregon competing for the same clients, their outbound strategies simply were not working. They were interested in improving their digital presence to capture the massive flow of inbound demand and Google searches for "Warehousing Oregon" and "Warehousing Portland".

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